Charity art auction
On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, the art benefit auction "Art for Children" took place at the Albertina in Vienna, where over 60 works of art by various artists could be purchased at a silent auction. You can take a look at the art catalog with a description of the individual works under the following link: Kunstkatalog – download
The "Art for Children" event series was launched by we help you we help you and has now taken place for the 18th time in Austria or Switzerland. Not only are the wonderful works of art provided by various artists for the event, but the premises and other costs incurred are also covered by generous sponsors. This ensures that 100% of the proceeds go to organizations that support disadvantaged or sick children.
The donations collected on this evening will be divided between two associations. One project is chosen for children in Austria and one for children in another country in the world. This year, we were lucky because the Child Destiny Foundation, together with Mission Hoffnung, was chosen by the team as the recipient of the donations.
43,700€ is the result of this year's event!
We are very grateful for the opportunities that this event has given us and would like to once again thank all the artists, sponsors, helpers and of course the entire team at we help you who made this great initiative possible. A big thank you also goes to all those who celebrated this evening together and generously bid and bought.
You can find lots of great photos of the event here: Photo gallery

Liste der Künstler*Innen
Adrian Bischoff / Alexander Binder / Alexandra Weinrich / Alice Kammerlander / Andrea Zapanta Scharf / Aneta Jaźwińska / Anna Golightly / Anna Amerhauser / Azadeh Vaziri / Ben Reyer / Benedikt von Loebell / Brian McCarthy / Christian Stock / Dalina / Daphne von Schrader / Elena Mildner / Erfi / Erika Navas / Eva Dvorak / Felix Haspel / Fiona Hernuss / Gabriele Simic / Gerhard Fresacher / Gian Andrea Annoni / Ingrid Sellami / Jamie Niederer / Joanna Wiszniewska-Domańska / Josef Kern / Karin Haslauer / Katharina Castell-Castell / Leonard Schwarz / Lina Swarovski / Lukas Lederer / Mari Otberg / Maria-Magdalena Ianchis / Markus Habersatter / Markus Wagenhofer / Martin Egger / Max Freund / Mike Huber / Niklas Blomkvist / Nini Zichy / Okuhara Seiko / Paul Landerl / Rica Fuentes Martinez / Renate Schediwy-Oppolzer / Rudolf Dirr / Sebastian Rzepa / Tanja Peklar-Zarka / Theo Brinek / Verena Auersperg-Rotterdam / Wladimir Ledochowski
Liste der Partner und Sponsor*Innen
Bearing Point (Hauptsponsor) / ALBERTINA / Eurocom Translation Services / Rahmenkabinett / Bilderrahmen Wilhelm Smolka AG / Rahmenwerkstatt Thomas Eder / Bilderrahmen Alexander Gelny / Tanja Putz Papeterie / Adventure Catering / Lummerstorfer Steuerberatung & Wirtschaftsprüfung / MyPlace SelfStorage / Ottakringer / Vöslauer / 1000taschen / Just Rust / Martinshof / AnnaKathrin PR